Engalus [PC – Cancelled]

Engalus [PC – Cancelled]

Crytek was founded by the Yerli brothers in 1999 in Coburg, Germany. Its history starts with the ECTS 2000, where  Crytek impressed all the big publishers with their tech demos at the NVIDIA booth. [Infos from Wikipedia] In the same year Crytek announced that one of these tech demos was going to became a “full” game: Engalus, that was created with the original CryEngine 3D.

This project was meant to be a sci-fi action RPG but something went wrong and it was never released. The first released game from Crytek was Far Cry in 2004, so we can speculate that even if their CryEngine was good, they never found a publisher interested in Engalus.

Thansk to Celine for the contribution!


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5 thoughts on “Engalus [PC – Cancelled]

    1. monokoma Post author

      that’s a great find :O also it seems there is a demo of the game in a CD archived by the video game museum of Rome? I may try to send them an email to ask if they can rip it

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