[New Unseen Interview] Frank Gasking from Games That Weren’t

[New Unseen Interview] Frank Gasking from Games That Weren’t


Continuing our trip through the  various websites and communities related to beta & cancelled games, this time we had the chance to make some questions to Frank Gasking, main webmaster of Games That Weren’t. As always, in this new Unseen Interview we’ll try to better understand who are these lovely geeks that work under the site, to talk about the  story of GTW, the unseen gaming world, digital preservation and to discover some of their personal tastes. >> Read the full interview!

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2 thoughts on “[New Unseen Interview] Frank Gasking from Games That Weren’t

  1. FullMetalMC

    looks a bit unproffesional with all the grammar errors I mean I kno I usually spell bad but I kno that its not always acceptable

    1. monokoma Post author

      Do you mean in the questions or in the answers? If there are errors in the questions, send me a message so i can fix them :) The answers will remain as that though, as it’s not fair to edit the answers in an interview after is finished ;) Keep in mind that Frank is from UK, so maybe his english is just different from your USA one!

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