Cyber Speedway [Saturn – Beta]

Cyber Speedway [Saturn – Beta]


The beta version of Cyber Speedway had a different HUD, as we can see in the scans from the gallery below. In the magazine they call it Gale Racer, probably an error in the translation, as the game was  originally know as “Gran Racer” which was actually released as Gran Chaser in Japan. You can see some images from the final version at MobyGames. Also, thanks to Yakumo from Segagaga Domain, we can see some better screens from a 50% complete beta build, in which the HUD is completely different, the ships/cars that you control have no textures at all and we can notice many wire frame polygons that were used as place holders. There seems to be even an unknown track, that could have been removed from the final game.

Thanks to Yakumo for the contribution!


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