Black Tiger [NES – Cancelled]

Black Tiger [NES – Cancelled]

English: The legendary arcade game by Capcom, released 1987, has never had it easy on the console versions: in addition to the terrible Amiga version, the developers had decided to convert the mighty Coin Op to the famous NES. Of course, the version for the Nintendo console would have been subjected to several cuts to allow the porting. For some strange reason, this version was canceled.

Thanks to dartmouth for the translation!

Italian: Il mitico arcade della Capcom, datato 1987, non ha mai avuto vita facile sulle console casalinghe: oltre alla terribile versione per Amiga, gli sviluppatori avevano deciso di convertire il possente Coin Op sul famoso NES. Naturalmente la versione per la console Nintendo, sarebbe stata sottoposta a diversi tagli per consentire il porting. Per qualche strano motivo questa versione fu cancellata.

Thanks a lot to NES World for these screenshots!


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