ToeJam & Earl 3 [DC – Cancelled]

ToeJam & Earl 3 [DC – Cancelled]

The third game in the series was originally intended for the Sega Dreamcast console, but, after Sega discontinued the Dreamcast, the game was retargeted at the Microsoft Xbox. A three-dimensional platform game, it was released in October 2002. The gameplay is primarily based on that of the original ToeJam & Earl, though elements from Panic on Funkotron were also included. The game presented a more adult approach, full random 3-D levels. – [info from Wikipedia]



ToejJam & Earl 3 Dreamcast

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2 thoughts on “ToeJam & Earl 3 [DC – Cancelled]

  1. Joseph Villa

    ACTUALLY… I sent a letter to the games creators awhile back searching for a beta and they said that the original Dreamcast game was meant to be more like the old school toe jam and earl. Where there were many levels stacked on levels. After Sega became primarily a software company, the game went through focus groups and changed to what it is today.

  2. ONY

    Here is is!!!! Uncovered on an old dev system. Enjoy!

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