Sonic Adventure 2 was unveiled in June of 2000, at E3. During this time, Sonic Adventure 2 was headed in a completely different direction. There would be three playable characters; Sonic, Knuckles, and Eggman. At the time, Shadow was just a cutscene character. How the game went at first was that what you do in the game differs what happens later. This was eventually incarnated into “Shadow the Hedgehog” for the Gamecube. When the trailer for the game was revealed, fans were outraged, for the fact that there were missing characters (e.g. Tails)
Before he had his SOAP shoes in Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic had his sneakers from the 2D games. The SOAP shoes enabled Sonic to grind on rails. Also Shadow’s original name was “Terios”, which means, “reflection of”, and Rouge’s original name was “Nails”. Shadow was also referred to as “Dark Sonic” in a preview showing off some concept art of Sonic Adventure 2.
Some unused videos were found hidden in the game’s code by Mariosegafreak
Thanks to FullMetalMC, CrashAndSonicChao, and Shade3c for the contributions!
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- Quark (Quantic Dream) [Dreamcast – Cancelled] - 24-03-2024
- Fortris [PC/Playstation/Dreamcast – Cancelled] - 09-03-2024
- Gorkamorka [PC / Dreamcast – Cancelled] - 16-12-2023
I have some information to share with y’all:
Shadow’s original name was “Terios” and Rouge’s original name was “Nails”. Shadow was also referred to as “Dark Sonic” in a preview showing off some concept art of Sonic Adventure 2. He wasn’t intended to playable (along with Tails and Rouge) in the original game, either.
Thanks Shade! :) I’m going to add your info in the description
I have found some unused footage on the DC disk. I myself uploaded it. I think it’s trailer stuff or something.
THanks Mariosegafreak! Some of these scenes are interesting :O
I found this video showing very beta footage of the game. You can also see Shadow looks different.