F-Zero X [N64 – Beta]

F-Zero X [N64 – Beta]


It seems that the few beta images of F-zero that we have aren’t that different from the final screenshots. But,after all, what could have changed in a game where the only graphical elements are virtually the spaceships and the track ? The hub, obviuously. The power bar was red, the map, the laps and the ranking data were still missing, the speed indicator was different, and there were some mysterious numbers in the down left side of screen.

Thanks to WarioNX for the contribution!

Beta Version:


Final Version:



The beta movie was taken from the video seen at Nintendo SpaceWorld ’97. You can see a later beta version of F-Zero X.
It didn’t change soo much : the only things that are different from the final version are:

  • Some textures
  • Some tracks
  • The explosion of a ship
  • The hud (in the top shows like “30th” and not “30/30”)
  • The health bar


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3 thoughts on “F-Zero X [N64 – Beta]

  1. sg_06

    The mysterious numbers on the left appear to be distance. [how far you’ve traveled so far] over [how long the track is (in meters?)]


    What about Super Falcon? I found him and I have a video of it on Youtube with a ROM. Is anyone interested?

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