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beatmaniaIIDX16 – Empress [Public beta/location test]

As Bemani (music games by Konami) fan I felt like had to post this [: A new version of beatmaniaIIDX awaits us again and the public beta (better known as location test) is starting today! Millions of fans in japan and all over the world are gathering in Tokyo to…

Portal [PC – Beta / Concept / Unused]

Portal is Valve’s professionally developed spiritual successor to the freeware game Narbacular Drop, the 2005 independent game released by students of the DigiPen Institute of Technology; the original Narbacular Drop team are now all employed at Valve. Certain elements have been retained from Narbacular Drop, such as the system of…

Eight Days [PS3 – Cancelled]

Eight Days (codenamed HEIST) was to be a PlayStation 3 game from Sony’s London Studio. It was shown for the first time at Sony’s E3 2006 press conference. It was a hybrid of a third-person shooter and driving action that shared similarities with the PlayStation Portable game, Pursuit Force. The…

Nooks and Crannies [PS2/PC – Cancelled]

Nooks and Crannies is a cancelled game from AndNow, the developers team of Ed Annunziata. It was in development for the PC and planned for a Playstation 2 port. In the original press-release for this game we can read that: “Nooks & Crannies is the first real game with artificial…

Interviste mai viste: Davide “Dangaio” Racah

<< Altri articoli Visitando Unseen64 è facile perdersi nel guardare foto e video sullo sviluppo dei nostri giochi preferiti, spesso con un po’ di malinconia nel vedere qualche elemento rimosso oppure con sollievo nel capire come il progetto sia migliorato nel tempo. Parole come alpha, beta, tech demo o prototipi,…