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Viva Pinata DS loses the 360 connection

Wasnt MTV one of those TV channels about music? Does television still exist out there? I’m not sure, but it seems that MTV has a blog about videogames too. Music games maybe? Anyway, they have some interesting info about a removed connection between Viva Pinata DS and the Xbox 360…

Interviste mai viste: Davide “Dangaio” Racah

<< Altri articoli Visitando Unseen64 è facile perdersi nel guardare foto e video sullo sviluppo dei nostri giochi preferiti, spesso con un po’ di malinconia nel vedere qualche elemento rimosso oppure con sollievo nel capire come il progetto sia migliorato nel tempo. Parole come alpha, beta, tech demo o prototipi,…

Volete fare i beta tester per Nintendo Europe?

This article is only in italian, sorry! L’agenzia di reclutamento Alpha sta cercando giovani appassionati di videogiochi da assuemere come beta-tester italiani presso la sede centrale di Nintendo Europe, situata in germania. Qui potete vedere l’annuncio originale: “Cerchiamo Video Game Tester (m/f) per lavorare per Nintendo a Francoforte/Main (18 anni…

More info on 007 Goldeneye for SNES

Another NP scan with some more info about the 007 Goldeneye game for the Super Nintendo, that was in development at RARE. Probably it was just an early concept and the project was soon ported to the Nintendo Ultra 64. Click on it for a bigger version.  

Tomb Raider Beta [PSX / Saturn / PC]

Overview: Tomb raider was not only one of the best selling, early 3D games, but it was the most recognizable icon of the PlayStation brand. Tomb Raider’s design and concept started in 1994, Core Design, of Derby decided that they wanted to make a video game based on ‘Tomb Raiding’.…