ENG: This entry in the archive doesn’t have a description yet. If you want to add some info about the beta / cancelled stuff that you see in these images, just write a comment or send us an email! We’ll add your info in this page and your name in…
The Contract [PSX – Cancelled]
The Contract is a cancelled action game that was in development for the original Playstation. As told by Haydn Dalton, The Contract’s project manager, “The Contract was a 3rd person action adventure, where you choose between two different characters; Simon & Natasha. This was being worked on at Psygnosis Manchester,…
Dead Ahead [N64 – Cancelled]
“The Dead Ahead project was a very unsual one. The game was being funded by Tomei, but there was also a middle company; Optical Entertainment who was also involved. Optical were designing the game for Tomei and Software Creations were chosen by Tomei (Tomy) to develop it. It was a…
Forever Dragonz [N64 – Cancelled]
Forever Dragonz is a cancelled one-on-one fighting game that was in development by Software Creations for the Nintendo 64, produced & designed by Haydn Dalton. The game had many original ideas (at the time). Characters could be knocked through elements of the enviroment (like a stunt scene in a movie,…
A list of good resources for unseen games and related beta stuff Affiliates / Friends: GS Central: the #1 game enhancer website on the world wide web today with over 2.1 million codes. GS Central was created in 1998 to ensure code creators everywhere would have a haven for proper…