The Japanese Lifeline (AKA Operator’s Side) could have become another clone of Resident Evil (a special forces girl, a spaceship full of monsters …), if not for one feature: the main character was guided by only one voice. In the PS2 version, which was released in 2004, the game understood up to 5000 words, that is, the player could give complex orders like “shoot the nearest monster in the head, step back two steps.” With numerous NPCs, communication also took place through voice.
The sales were satisfactory, but it was obvious that such an idea would not go far. And it turned out to be difficult for the players to have a continuous conversation with the game for several hours. As a result, Konami had to abandon porting the game to PC (by the way, the demo version was preserved on the Web), and Lifeline remained in history as an unusual game ahead of its time.
Information is taken from «Игромания» magazine, 03 (114) 2007