She Queen Death Machine is a cancelled side-scrolling action game which was in development by Psygnosis in 1995, to be released for PC MS-DOS. No more details remain from this lost game and it was mostly unknown to the public until Grzegorz found a few images hidden in old gaming magazines: Generation 4 (issue 76), Top Secret (issue 37), and Secret Service (May 1995).
In these magazines She Queen Death Machine was described as an exciting action platformer with lots of shooting, punching and explosions. Because of the game’s title and by looking at the characters sprites, it seems the main protagonist was meant to be a female soldier. Other features listed in these short previews were multi-directional screen scrolling, parallax effects, many different weapons to use and bosses at end of levels. One of these levels was described as a military camp with hangars and towers with enemy guards lurking everywhere.
After a few previews in gaming magazines, She Queen Death Machine vanished forever. After Sony acquired Psygnosis in 1993 and released their Playstation in 1995, their resources were switched from PC to the more profitable Playstation market. She Queen Death Machine may be one of the games cancelled because of this.
Thanks to Grzegorz for the contribution!
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Quality Assurance
November 1995 – Dezember 1999 (4 Jahre 2 Monate)
I tried to find a way to get in contact with him, but no luck :(
May you have more luck with Chris Davie, who was an art director at Bizarre before it closed down.
Since the closure of Bizarre, two new studios have been formed by ex-staff: Hogrocket and Lucid Games
May helpful.
Thank you TLO!
There is also small preview in Italian magazine “K” issue 72 from 1995.
It have same screen shoots as ones from “Generation 4”.