Work on the Unseen64 book can fully start!

Work on the Unseen64 book can fully start!

Unseen64 book start

We’d like to thanks all our patrons on Patreon for the awesome support, we are happy to see that people understand the importance of having an archive to remember games that we’ll never play and with your help we can continue to keep the site online and to do more to preserve lost videogames! We have recently reached the goal of 250$ a month, so now we can finally fully work on the Unseen64 book :) We are still trying to keep the cost as low as possible, but keeping the quality as high as possible. Other gaming book had to rise thousands of $ to be created, we hope to be able to publish it with much less, in about 10 months from now.

How is this possible? Well, the main Unseen64 staff is writing new and updated articles for the book in their free time and we asked to friends and readers to help us in writing more articles. As most of this is volunteer work, instead than to pay people to write articles, we’ll send them a copy of the book, which printing and shipping cost will be covered by donations. In this way, we should be able to complete all the articles for the book without spending too much and at the same time having great articles written by experts and lovers of unseen games.

We’ll also have some help from friends that already work with publishing and designing software for their main job, to organize the best format and layout for the book. For the book cover we’ll probably organize a contest in the following months, so if you are interested in creating an artwork for it, let us know! We’ll then publish the book worldwide trough Amazon, so everyone will be able to easily order a copy. Remember that people that donated 25$ a month for at least 2 months will get a copy of the book :)

The book will be focused on cancelled videogames and we’ll also try to get interviews with developers that worked on some of our favorite projects. What’s more to say? If there’s something that you’d love to see in a book dedicated to lost videogames, let us know in the comments below!

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2 thoughts on “Work on the Unseen64 book can fully start!

    1. monokoma

      i remember you from Twitter Camille! I have already your contact in my list of artists to contact when we’ll open the “contest” for the cover :)

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