Sahara [XBOX PS2 – Cancelled]

Sahara [XBOX PS2 – Cancelled]

Sahara is a cancelled game that was in development at TKO Software, based on the movie from Paramount. In January of 2005 TKO Software shut down its PC and console games development studio and Sahara went down with it.

Thanks to Hey Hey for the contribution!


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3 thoughts on “Sahara [XBOX PS2 – Cancelled]

  1. Ross sillifant

    Edge magazine, issue 137 has it down as PS2, Xbox and PC.

    Game was being developed by same developer who’d previousily worked on:MOH:AA expansion Pack, Breakthrough and was coding M.P aspect for MOH:P.A on PC.

    Game was to use TKO’s new game engine, the liquid FX Engine a be a test bed for said engine.Promised features were;fully destructable scenary, with astute A.I etc.

  2. himmul khan

    i think this game might have showed why the css texas was called the ship of death in at least one image you can see what look like sick confederate sailors

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