Heavenly Sword 2 [Cancelled – PS3]

Heavenly Sword 2 [Cancelled – PS3]

The original Heavenly Sword is an action game developed by Ninja Theory and published for the PlayStation 3 in 2007. In 2008 Sony Cambridge was working on a sequel, Heavenly Sword 2, that was cancelled in early development. As we can read on Wikipedia, according to Ninja Theory co-founder Tameem Antoniades, the story for the sequel was already been written; in fact a whole trilogy was being planned.

On May 2008, Ninja Theory’s IT Manager “Peonic” announced that a follow-up to Heavenly Sword by them would be extremely unlikely due to their decision to pursue opportunities within multi-platform development:

“We’re not abandoning HS just on a whim because we want to go off and do something different – there’s a great huge raft of reasons behind us taking the direction we are – and it’s also the nature of the business that I’m not allowed to share any of those reasons with you. As for the ‘you’re just not doing HS2 NOW’ comments – well one thing you learn in this industry is that you never say ‘Never’. So I’m not going to say we’ll “never” go back and make HS2 – but it’s something I personally see as extremely unlikely.”

Nevertheless, since Sony retains the IP of Heavenly Sword, there is always the possibility of production on a sequel being outsourced to another developer in the future. Only a few artworks from Sony Cambridge’s cancelled Heavenly Sword 2 are saved below, to preserve its existence.


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