Chex Quest 3 [PC – Cancelled]

Chex Quest 3 [PC – Cancelled]

A “Chex Quest 3” game was made by fans of the series who were disappointed that the third had been canceled. But, rather than make entirely new levels and graphics, they stole much of them from other mods (here you can download the stolen resource list), mostly from Hacx and STRAIN. This one was noticeably harder, and when it was discovered it was a fake, it was quickly discarded.
In 2008, ten years later, Charles ‘Chukker’ Jacobi, a former member of Digital Café, the makers of the original Chex Quest, created and released Chex Quest 3, including recreations of the original two episodes. Chex Quest 3 can be downloaded here.

Post by Elian


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2 thoughts on “Chex Quest 3 [PC – Cancelled]

  1. awesomedude249

    Actually, the third was never canceled, it just wasn’t created altogether until Charles Jacobi collaborated with Andrew Benson to create a third in 2008.

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