Miss Honeybee [Amiga – Cancelled]

Miss Honeybee [Amiga – Cancelled]

Miss Honeybee was going to be a platform game for the Amiga: it was in development by Kaiko, but they never finished the project for some reasons. Some of the sprites, like the chikens, were used even in Timet / Mr. Nutz.

Thanks to Celine for the contribution!


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4 thoughts on “Miss Honeybee [Amiga – Cancelled]

  1. Guru Larry

    That second photo from the left…

    That’s the boss from the cake level from Mickey Mouse Castle of Illusion on the Mega Drive!!!

    1. Jay

      It’s only similar in design, but check screenshots its nothing like it! and certainly hasn’t been ripped sprite wise.

  2. Guru Larry

    I think it’s a case of them ripping it off.

    Look for an Amiga game called Quik and Silva, see how many spirites were ripped off in ghat game!!!

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