Mr. Nutz: Hoppin’ Mad is a side scrolling, 2D platformer game published by Ocean Software for the Amiga and first released in 1994. The game started out as Timet: the Flying Squirrel by a company named Kaiko but was sold before being released. The player character sprite was a slimmer flying squirrel, which was changed to a fluffier red squirrel but some of the level and enemy design remained. [Infos from Wikipedia]
Thanks to Celine for the contribution!
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Timet the flying squirrel was never developed by Kaiko and also was not sold before release. Kaiko was about going to *publish* the game, but the development Team of the game (which founded NEON Studios) turned to Ocean for publishing after disputes about the deal. Ocean then proposed to use the Mr. Nutz character instead.
Interesting, thanks a lot for these details Peter! It’s always great to know more about these obscure gaming facts :O