Vectorman [PS2 – Cancelled]

Vectorman [PS2 – Cancelled]


A Vectorman game for the Sony PlayStation 2 was in development by Pseudo Interactive, but it was soon cancelled for unknown reasons. According to initial reports, it was to have been vastly dissimilar to the 16-bit games. This project was interesting because it had full destructible environment and a grappling hook similar to the one used in Just Cause 2.

Joseph was able to test an early build of Vectorman PS2 and shared some interesting info:

I play-tested this game for Pseudo Interactive before it got cancelled. I had never heard of Vectorman at the time, so I wasn’t comparing it to a game that already existed. But what I found was: the physics engine was awesome, and the AI was incredible. At the time, I had never seen a game where some AI will hide behind walls, others will run and gun you, a couple will try to sneak around to flank you… the AI programming was simply amazing, and it was all done by one guy.

What I did NOT like about the game was how confusing I found it to figure out where I was supposed to go next. But this was probably because it was in the alpha stage and the texturing wasn’t done yet.

ProgrammingAce has posted some good quality screenshots from the Vectorman PS2 project on the GamerHistory Forum, you can check them all in here!

Thanks to Martin and MicroChirp for the contribution!

Thanks a lot to Frank Trzcinski for his help in preserving some concept arts created for this lost project!



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10 thoughts on “Vectorman [PS2 – Cancelled]

  1. Joseph Sullivan

    I play-tested this game for Pseudo Interactive before it got cancelled. I had never heard of Vectorman at the time, so I wasn’t comparing it to a game that already existed. But what I found was: the physics engine was awesome, and the AI was incredible. At the time, I had never seen a game where some AI will hide behind walls, others will run and gun you, a couple will try to sneak around to flank you… the AI programming was simply amazing, and it was all done by one guy.

    What I did NOT like about the game was how confusing I found it to figure out where I was supposed to go next. But this was probably because it was in the alpha stage and the texturing wasn’t done yet.

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