The Fast and the Furious (2003) was a racing game based on the movie franchise developed by Genki and published by Universal Interactive, but Genki cancelled the game for unknown reasons.
Live a street-racer’s life, tuning and racing nitrous-infused custom cars for cash, mods, and credibility through beautifully rendered city streets of Los Angeles. The game features fully licensed vehicles from carmakers like Mitsubishi, Mazda, Toyota, Nissan and other popular “Furious” vehicles from both movies. You can totally customize your cars to build the fastest ride possible, nitrous boosts and all. But, speed is only the beginning — become immersed in The Fast and the Furious lifestyle as you take on more than 80 story-driven missions that let you build up your reputation and credit on the streets of L.A.
[it could have been released in Europe]
Thanks to News for the description!
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The PS2 version was released, but the GBA version was cancelled, but I don’t think scans nor screenshots were released for that version.
I think the PS2 one was just a local version of Tokyo Highway Battle
The Fast and the Furious (2003) was a racing game based on the movie franchise developed by Genki and published by Universal Interactive, but Genki cancelled the game for unknown reasons.
Live a street-racer’s life, tuning and racing nitrous-infused custom cars for cash, mods, and credibility through beautifully rendered city streets of Los Angeles. The game features fully licensed vehicles from carmakers like Mitsubishi, Mazda, Toyota, Nissan and other popular “Furious” vehicles from both movies. You can totally customize your cars to build the fastest ride possible, nitrous boosts and all. But, speed is only the beginning — become immersed in The Fast and the Furious lifestyle as you take on more than 80 story-driven missions that let you build up your reputation and credit on the streets of L.A.