Promocao Especial M.System III [SMS – Promo Cart]

Promocao Especial M.System III [SMS – Promo Cart]


Since 1989, Sega was officially represented in Brazil by Tec Toy, which was their only publisher and manufacturer, translated some games and even released special versions of the Master System and some games (like Wonderboy in Monster Land, that became “Monica no Castelo do Dragao”, in reference to Monica from the famous Brazilian comic series by Mauricio de Souza). That said, when Sonic 2 was released, they included promo cartdridges (Cartuchos Promocionais) in some games that were sold at the time. Those carts only had these two screens, which translate as:
Screen 1-
The adventure continues…
for Master [System], Mega [Drive]
and Game Gear
Screen 2-
6 x 499,900 or
1,699,000 in cash
1 shirt
1 pen
1 sticker
Only until December 26th
Thanks a lot to Hageshii for these infos!

Thanks a lot to SMS Power for the contribution!


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3 thoughts on “Promocao Especial M.System III [SMS – Promo Cart]

  1. Derik

    I remenber that, this is a Brazilian comercial, its nice

    eu lembro, é de uma paradinha da TecToy num comercial Brasileiro ^^

  2. Pedro SIlva

    Also, Tec Toy made some things like The Game Box – Sports that was California Games only with the bmx and surf events. Another one that will be really hard to find, actually close to impossible, are some copies from Sega Soccer (Super Futebol here) by the time of the 94 World Cup. First they made a contest where people should send their soccer-related drawing, then the winners would have the drawings scanned and placed on the title screen and sent to them. Some guys have those exclusives games but, as i said, may be impossible to find. I have the ad from a magazine where they showed the winners, gotts find here somewhere

  3. Thales Ulisses

    Pedro SIlva, it is not impossible, I thought ALL games for download. Would post the links here, but the unseen is not allowed. Just search with patience, much patience.

    NOTE: I am Brazilian and I had to use the Google translator to translate it. Sorry for possible mistakes.

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