Jump Runner [DC – Cancelled]

Jump Runner [DC – Cancelled]

ENG: This entry in the archive doesn’t have a description yet. If you want to add some info about the beta / cancelled stuff that you see in these images, just write a comment or send us an email! We’ll add your info in the page. Thanks a lot for your contribution! :)

ITA: ??? (da scrivere)


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4 thoughts on “Jump Runner [DC – Cancelled]

  1. Ross Sillifant

    Edge May ’99 has a 2-page preview of this, plus different screens to those shown here in cases.

    This could have been the Dreamcas’s Freelancer, game was around 50% finished according to Edge and whilst the PC version was to support a ‘persistant internet enviroment’ it was only down as a potential feature for the DC version.

  2. Ross Sillifant

    I contacted Ian Baverstock (Glass Ghost games) and asked what happened to the DC game, he was kind enough to inform me the DC game was never completed and the PC version was released as Halcyon Sun after some significant changes.

    So that’s this entry put to bed.


    1. monokoma

      i plan to update this page soon with more info and screen, the Dreamcast version was like a totally different game from the released Halcyon Sun :O

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