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Flight of the Intruder [NES – Beta]

ENG: This entry in the archive doesn’t have a description yet. If you want to add some info about the beta / cancelled stuff that you see in these images, just write a comment or send us an email! We’ll add your info in this page and your name in…

War on Wheels [NES – Unreleased]

War on Wheels was a roller skating game by Jaleco. The game supported a two players mode, and like Road Rash it was possible to beat up your opponents. WoW was even reviewed by some magazines, but at the end it got canceled. Thanks a lot to NES World for…

Wild Boys [NES – Unreleased]

Wild Boys is a canceled beat ’em up from Bandai. In the game it was possible to choose between four different characters, like the first Ninja Turtles for the Nes. Thanks a lot to NES World for this screenshot! Images:

Xybots [NES – Unreleased]

Xybots is an old third person shooter developed by Atari released for the arcades and many home computers in in the 80’s. A porting for the NES by Tengen was supposed to be released in 1990, but it was canceled even if the game was almost completed. The prototype was…

Ace Harding: Lost in Las Vegas [NES – Unreleased]

Ace Harding: Lost in Las Vegas (also known as Déjà Vu II: Lost in Las Vegas) is a point-and-click adventure released for the Apple II, the Atari ST and other computers. A Nes port of the game was completed but never published. Thanks a lot to NES World for the…