MajorTom could be one of our favourite beta geeks: he has sent to us a new description for the Yoshi’s Island beta page, and we have added it to the archive! You can read it in here. Thanks again Tom! :) In the meantime we have added a couple of…
Super Mario World beta intro translated
MajorTom is a nice beta geek but he does not really knows the italian language as most of you. So he decided to translate the italian description of the Super Mario World beta gallery and now all our english visitors can understand what Bakke did originally wrote about it. Props…
Super Mario World [Beta / Unused – SNES]
The formula setup by Super Mario Bros. 3 established the foundations for the SNES successor Super Mario World. Thanks to these uncovered beta photographs, the evolutionary connections from Super Mario Bros. 3 to Super Mario World are a bit more apparent. Interesting enough is that “World” once started out as…
Yoshi’s Island: Unused Sprites [SNES]
It’s not all that uncommon that a game takes a slight change in direction. If games didn’t end up different from beta to final release, Unseen 64 would be out of a job! Something gets cut out due to money and/or time constraints: Yoshi’s Island is no different. Although having…
Would you like to contribute to the Unseen 64 Archive, with infos, screens or videos? Send us an e-mail or join our forum! This beta archive can grows up thanks to your support! We are collecting beta screens & videos from many years and even friends have given to us…