Worms & Rally Fever Pinball [DC – Unreleased]

Worms & Rally Fever Pinball [DC – Unreleased]

As NEo has make us to notice, Worms Pinball / Rally Fever Pinball is the cancelled port of Addiction Pinball for the Dreamcast, a pinball simulation game released in 1998 for PC, featuring tables based on two popular Team 17 games – Worms and World Rally Fever. The game was later ported to the PlayStation and released as Worms Pinball to capitalise on the success of the Worms franchise. The Dreamcast version was basically finished, but it was never released.

According to information posted by Team17’s Creative Director Martyn Brown on the official Team17 Forum, there were plans to include a table based on Alien Breed, Team17’s highly successful top-down shooter released for the Amiga in 1991. However for one reason or another these plans were scrapped.

It is possible that Addiction Pinball began life as an unfinished Amiga game called Team17 Pinball, which was cancelled in 1994. [Info from Wikipedia]

A playable demo of Worms / Rally Fever Dreamcast does exist and thanks to Brad we have some more info about it: the disc is labeled version 1.0 and dated 9/9/2000.

Multiplayer support is disabled. There are only two tables: Worms and World Rally Fever. Worms is a more “claustrophobic” table with plenty of things to bounce the ball back at you while Rally Fever is more wide open and generally “faster”.

The goal on the Worms table is to collect weapons, earn victories, and missions to get a higher bonus. Collecting enough of these will get you a promotion. There is a cave that opens up that will give random bonuses as well as mini games that are played on the LED. These mini games include guiding a super sheep with the flipper triggers to collect point balloons in the air before crashing into a worm for a 10,000,000 point bonus. There is also a card shuffling game for an extra 35,000,000. There are four “stages” or “environments” that determine the kind of games or bonuses you get: Jungle, Mars, Hell, and Desert.

Rally Fever is a little more simplistic. You can hit ramps to earn combos, or shoot into the finishing line in the middle for a lap. A shop will open up that will let you choose bonuses or mini games, such as a police chase.

There are a variety of control schemes to move the table and flippers, default being the top triggers for the flippers, the thumb stick to move the table, and A to launch the ball.

The title screen features the same artwork as the title screen for Worms 2 on the Dreamcast.

Thanks a lot to Brad (from www.gamescrap.com) and NEo for the contributions!



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