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Dorque & Imp [SNES – Cancelled]

Dorque & Imp is a cancelled platform that was in development by Norse (a swedish gaming studio) for the Super Nintendo. Akumu from the Lost Levels Forum translated a swedish preview  in which we can read some more info on the project: 2 of the worlds are completed. When Power…

Mr. Bloopy [SNES – Cancelled]

A cancelled platform / puzzle for the SNES that was in development at RARE-COMPEDIA. A couple of playable levels were leaked online and you can download them from the Eludevisibility blog! Thanks to SNES Central for these images! If you are a collector, you can buy an official cart of…

Super Mario Bros 3 [NES – Beta / Concept / Unused]

There were going to be two new enemies called Gold Cheep Cheep (a golden version of a Cheep-Cheep), and Green Parabeetles (green colored Parabeetles). The Gold Cheep Cheeps would come in groups and swim faster than regular Cheep-Cheeps and the Green Parabeetle is a green Parabeetle that flies faster than…

The Legend Of Zelda [NES – Beta / Concept]

As the inaugural game of The Legend of Zelda series, it was first released in Japan as a launch title for the Famicom’s Disk System peripheral, a year and five months before it was released in the United States. Because the Famicom Disk System was not released outside Japan, the…

Bio Force Ape [NES – Unreleased]

Bio Force Ape is a cancelled action game that was in development by Seta for the NES! We’ll try to have a better description in here as soon as someone has time to write it :P In the meantime, have fun with all these screens and videos! It really looked…