Blood [PC – Beta / Prototype]

Blood [PC – Beta / Prototype]

Blood is a FPS developed by Monolith Productions and distributed by GT Interactive. Released for the PC on 31 May 1997, it utilized the first Build engine from Ken Silverman to feature voxels. [Infos from Wikipedia]

Conrad Coldwood has linked us to an interesting website, in which we can find “lots of downloads regarding Blood: early betas, official screenshots, leaks and press shareware. Binaries perfectly works under DOS Box and offer a very different game than the final release.”

Personally i have never played the final game, so i cannot find all the differences that there are in these early builds, but if someone would like to try to compare them to the final version and make a list of the changes, it would be really appreciated!

Thanks a lot to Conrad Coldwood for the contribution!


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